Tuesday, September 06, 2022



Who are you serving?

My question today to you, are: who are you serving? Whatever you cannot do without in your life, is what you serve.

Are any of these your object of worship, as you cannot live without it, even for just one hour?

  1. Cigarettes or drugs? I am not talking of medication prescribed by a registered doctor for certain medical conditions.
  2. Food? I am not talking of our basic sustenance.
  3.  Social media or the internet? I am not talking of your work or any basic posting.
  4.  Idols? Any physical image of any creature, animal or alien, or human being, either as a statue or a picture. Or even a mental image. 
  5. The Fallen One? Lucifer, now called Satan, was once a servant of the Creator, but become haughty and was cast out of heaven. If you are proud or at anytime submitted yourself to Satan, you are serving him! This is the worse kind of service and the hardest to broke out of. (In fact, if this is true, you would need the help of at least FIVE to SEVEN true believers to help you NOW!)
WARNING! If you are currently serving Satan and want to break free to serve the Creator only, you need to find a group of true believers (a Pentecostal church is the best option as they are specifically trained to break Satan's bondage over you) and find the person in charge IMMEDIATELY or Satan would keep you under his spell! If you take too long to find the only way out, Satan might even send one of his dedicated servants to kill you. (We can help but only if you are close to our basis in Estcourt, KZN, South Africa and our lead pastor will assist you with pleasure. Contact us IMMEDIATELY via WhatsApp - special link below.) ACT NOW!

You need to worship the Creator and the Creator alone.

Quoted from the Bible (Exodus 20 verse 2-5 - my direct translation from the original Hebrew):

"I am the Creator, the One who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other objects of worship before me. You shall not make for yourself any image to worship in the form of anything in heaven above or the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Creator your only object of worship, requires sole devotion..."

image = sculpture or picture or any other form of representation and, in this case, are used to represent your object of worship


Worshiping anything except the Creator of everything is a sin against the Creator. If you don't repent this would lead to other sins and eventually to eternal punishment.

If you have any of these in your life, you need to approach the Creator (and Him alone!) to remove this problem permanently from your life. He is the only One that can help you to do this!


 Reproduced, expanded and edited with permission by Pastor Magda Grobbelaar-Sampson.







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