Tuesday, September 06, 2022



Sins in the time of Noah

When the prophet Noah, the grandson of Metusalah, walked the earth, there was a lot of sin that Enoch, Metusalah, Lamech and Noah talked against, but the sins was so great that the Creator had to remove 99% of the earth's population with the Deluge. Metusalah lived until the year before the flood. His name, according to one translation, means "After he leaves the Judgment will come" and so it happened...



One of the sins was LUST. Men and women went wild with each other and believed there would be no judgment for them. Some of the inhabitants of the world at that stage was followers of The Fallen One - the Nephilim. They were bigger than humans, but had a human form. As they are made differently from the humans, the Creator never intended for them to interbreed (like zebras and horses, and other species looking the same but aren't, are not intended too). They started to interbreed against the Creator's wishes. After decades and decades of warnings about the consequences of going against the will of the Creator, He draw a line and started preparing the handful of people that lived according to His will to survive the coming judgment. Noah was instructed to build an ark and take most of the creatures living on the earth with as the judgment would be so big that even they would be destroyed...

 According to some outside sources, Noah had another son, name not mentioned anywhere, that lived the ways of the world - he died in the Deluge as his intend was to go to the highest mountain and wouldn't believe his father Noah that even that would be unsafe... The Deluge, according to the Bible, rose more than SIX METERS above the highest mountain! So this son, would be under at least FOUR METERS of water if he ever reached Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth...



Definition 1:

dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery

Definition 2:

the process by which a word or expression is changed from its original state to one regarded as erroneous or debased

The world leaders in those times, as today again, are so corrupt. They steal money under the banner of good intentions and then use that money not just for themselves but also to bribe every Tom, Dick and Harry that could make their lives a living paradise.


There was also a lot of violent crimes those days. Robberies at knife's or sword's point (nowadays it's gun's point too). Shootouts between gangs killing not just those from the gangs but also innocent people that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Nighttime attacks on sleeping victims trying to live an innocent life. Rape and sexual assault happened daily. So did destruction of properties from innocent victims. Kidnapping of people to extort money or properties. Terrorizing innocent people to make them subservient to you. Assault for no reason. Domestic violence. Everyday was a bad day to live then, because you didn't know who will attack you today and for what reason.


As you can see, it was not nice to live in the days of Noah. And it's not nice to live in the world today as the same crimes are rife everywhere. If you living in a peaceful corner somewhere, then and now, you were one of the luckiest persons alive... Thank the Creator for being good to you. And realize, like in the days of Noah, Judgment are on its way.

 Reproduced, expanded and edited by Pastor Magda Grobbelaar-Sampson.








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